Sunday, August 18, 2013

Grilled Peach Dessert

That's just peachy!  I don't know about you, but I love peaches! Lucky for me, my boyfriend's dad has a peach tree in his backyard and the peaches are blossoming like crazy!  And you know what that means?  Millions of peaches, peaches for me.  Millions of peaches, peaches for free!

Since there's an abundance of peaches and since it's summer, I decided to try a fun grilled peach recipe. I've never had grilled peaches before so I thought I'd give it a try and make a delicious grilled peach dessert!  Prep time is about 5 minutes max, with cutting the peaches and mixing the peach filling.

Here's the ingredients:
Greek yogurt

I figured half a peach or a whole peach per person is a good hearty dessert.  To get things started, I washed the peaches and halved them like this:

I put them on the grill with the halved part facing down for 10 minutes to make sure they were warm, soft, and had some grill marks on the edges.

While on the grill, I mixed some greek yogurt with agave syrup.  I'd say about 1 a cup of the yogurt and 1 Tbsp. of the agave is enough for 6 peach halves.  

When the grilling was over, I scooped out the yogurt, placed it in the inside of the peach where the pit once was and filled it with a big dollop of the yogurt/agvave mix.  Then I sprinkled granola on top, and finished it off by drizzling the top with honey, and voila!  You have this sweet masterpiece!  It's easy, delicious, sweet, and a healthier dessert option!


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